block 1 readings

cyborg reading

The core and secondary readings for this section are available here.  The chapters and journal articles are copyright protected so you will need to be logged in via EASE to access them.

You should be sure to read the two Core readings over the 3-week block, alongside the films we will be watching during the film festival. The Secondary readings will also be useful in helping you get to grips with the history of cyberculture, and so you should also aim to read a couple of these.


Miller, V. (2011) Chapter 9: The Body and Information Technology, in Understanding Digital Culture. London: Sage. (e-reserve, pdf)
Miller’s chapter gives a good introductory overview of some of the key ideas around cyberculture, science fiction, and the blurring of boundary between the human and machinic. You will find this a useful reading to do while you are watching the films set for our film festival.

Bayne, S. (2014) What’s the matter with ‘Technology Enhanced Learning’? Learning, Media and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/17439884.2014.915851 (journal article)
This paper relates some of the themes from our films, and from Miller’s chapter, to digital education, looking in particular at the notion of ‘TEL’ (or ‘technology enhanced learning’) and foregrounding how much this is influenced by the cybercultural theme of transhumanism and human enhancement.


Sterne, J (2006) The historiography of cyberculture, chapter 1 of Critical cyberculture studies. New York University Press. pp.17-28. (ebook)

Hand, M (2008) Hardware to everywhere: narratives of promise and threat, chapter 1 of Making digital cultures: access, interactivity and authenticity. Aldershot: Ashgate. pp 15-42. (e-reserve, pdf)

Haraway, Donna (2007) A cyborg manifesto from Bell, David; Kennedy, Barbara M (eds),  The cybercultures reader pp.34-65, London: Routledge. (e-reserve, pdf)

Hayles, N. Katherine (1999) Towards embodied virtuality from Hayles, N. Katherine,  How we became posthuman: virtual bodies in cybernetics, literature, and informatics pp.1-25, 293-297, Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press. (e-reserve, pdf)