This block ends with you creating a visual representation of a theme or themes covered during this first part of the course. The idea here is that you try to represent your knowledge and understanding of the core cybercultures themes we have considered by creating something which is visual rather than textual – an image, a video, or some other kind of digital representation.
Whatever you produce should feed into your lifestream blog in some way – it should also, preferably, be open to commentary by others on the course by being placed in some kind of social media environment. This might be Flickr, your blog, Twitpic, Slideshare, Prezi, YouTube, or whatever you prefer. Post a comment to this page to let people know where to find your stuff.
To get you going, here are just a few examples of themes you might try to represent – these are just examples, you will want to focus in on something which has engaged you personally over the last few weeks:
utopian and dystopian oppositions
cyberpunk classrooms
distance and presence
writing without words
being human
memory and learning
logics of screen and book
….and so on…..
In terms of medium, choose whichever best suits you. For example you might:
- create a composite digital image in Photoshop and mount it in Flickr for commentary and lifestreaming
- create a video in Vine
- create a Pinterest board
- make a Flickr photostream of found images with comments and description
- make a YouTube video or response video
- create a slide show on Slideshare
- create a multimodal poster in Glogster
- make a ‘big canvas’ presentation in Prezi
- publish something in Issu
- photoblog or videoblog it
Try to have fun with this and use it as a chance to think broadly and be experimental – it’s a low stakes activity in terms of assessment – while it should appear in your lifestream blog, there are no marks for this, just peer feedback and interesting discussion. You can see examples of work created by previous students on the course here, here and here.