Our films are in three thematic blocks – try to watch all these over the first weeks of the course. In our tutorials in Togethertube (detailed below), we will pick out a few to watch together.
Memory 2.0
11 mins
featured in Togethertube tutorial 1
We only attack ourselves
3.5 mins
featured in Togethertube tutorial 2
7 mins
Machine sentience
The awareness
17 mins
Address is approximate
3 mins
featured in Togethertube tutorial 1
Stop Dave, I’m afraid (from 2001: A Space Odyssey)
2.5 mins
featured in Togethertube tutorial 2
Almost human
The trail’s end
9 mins
Tears in rain (from Bladerunner)
4 mins
featured in Togethertube tutorial 1
6 mins
featured in Togethertube tutorial 2
The Chase
2 mins
Tutorial 1: Tuesday 13th January, 8pm UK time
Link to the tutorial room here: https://togethertube.com/rooms/4723f04e-7e11-4e3a-b335-2240763e74fc
Our films:
Memory 2.0 – 11 mins
Address is approximate – 3 mins
Tears in rain (from Bladerunner) – 4 mins
Tutorial 2: Friday 23rd January, 10am UK time
Link to the tutorial room here: https://togethertube.com/rooms/95c7fa2c-595c-4421-971f-284ebe544161
Our films:
We only attack ourselves – 3.5 mins
Stop Dave, I’m afraid (from 2001: A Space Odyssey) – 2.5 mins
Gumdrop – 6 mins