Here is where you will find the list of ethnographies as they are completed. Please tweet the location of your ethnography using #mscedc, or email Jeremy or Sian to let us know where it is, so we can add it in here.
Links are to the relevant blog post for each user’s ethnography – please give some feedback on each other’s work by commenting on the blog post rather than elsewhere, so we can try and keep it all manageable.
Jin Darling – Metaliteracy MOOC on Storify
Ed Guzman – An ethnographic snapshot of a MOOC
Emlyn Majoos – Digital Ethnography: Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning
Nick Jenkins – MOOCs: a microethnography of community participation
Clare Hampton – Gamification MOOC
PJ Fameli – Micro-ethnography of MOOC Discussion Forum
Ben Henderson – Support within MOOCs
Mihael Kiseloski – Songwriting MOOC – an ethnographic song
Miles Prowse – An Ethnography of a MOOC
Katherine Firth – MOOCMOOC: Grass-Fed, Free-Range, Wild
Martyn Peters – Netnography – Total Leadership Learning community