all the ethnographies in one place

The ethnographer Jozef Obrebski

Here is where you will find the list of ethnographies as they are completed. Please tweet the location of your ethnography using #mscedc, or email Jeremy or Sian to let us know where it is, so we can add it in here.

Links are to the relevant blog post for each user’s ethnography – please give some feedback on each other’s work by commenting on the blog post rather than elsewhere, so we can try and keep it all manageable.

Jin Darling – Metaliteracy MOOC on Storify

Ed Guzman – An ethnographic snapshot of a MOOC

Emlyn Majoos – Digital Ethnography: Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning

Nick Jenkins – MOOCs: a microethnography of community participation

Clare Hampton – Gamification MOOC

PJ Fameli – Micro-ethnography of MOOC Discussion Forum

Ben Henderson – Support within MOOCs

Mihael Kiseloski – Songwriting MOOC – an ethnographic song

Miles Prowse – An Ethnography of a MOOC

Katherine Firth  – MOOCMOOC: Grass-Fed, Free-Range, Wild

Martyn Peters – Netnography – Total Leadership Learning community