In the final two weeks of the course you will work independently to create your digital essay (topic and medium to be chosen by you and agreed with your tutor). The essay is to be submitted, along with up to three of your own assessment criteria, by midnight Sunday 19 April 2015. You should submit it via Moodle – link here to the submission space, in which you will need to indicate the link to your assignment, and upload any additional documentation (such as assessment criteria) we will need to assess it.
You will also review your lifestream blog to ensure that it reflects your engagement with the course (removing any content you decide is not relevant), write your 500 word summary, and finalise your lifestream blog for submission (again via Moodle) no later than midnight Sunday 5 April 2015. Submit the lifestream here, by uploading a document containing the 500 word summary.
Read more on the course assessment pages.