before semester starts…

Ready Steady Go

There are a few things to do before semester starts.

1. Please make sure you have read your Course Guide and that you have a clear sense of the shape and structure of the course. Download your copy of the course guide here – and please talk to your course tutor if you’ve any queries or concerns. Please also drop your tutor an email to let them know you’ve ‘arrived’.

2. You’ll need to get familiar with this course site, and your lifestream-blog. Start with the guidance in the course handbook, which tells you how to set this up. You can also find out more about WordPress in the WordPress Lessons.

3. Please set up a profile of yourself in your WordPress blog, to make it easy for everyone to get a sense of who we are. There are 10 students studying ‘Digital cultures’ this semester.

4. Go to Togethertube and create an account so you’re ready for the week 1  film festival tutorials. Please add the film festival tutorials to your diary – these are:

Tuesday 13th January: 8pm
Friday 23rd January: 10am

5. We will be having tutorials in Google hangouts in weeks 3, 5 and 10, so you will need to set up an account with Google (if you don’t already have one) to access these. Please sign into Google+ and email Jeremy and Sian with the link to your Google+ page (; Then we can add you into our circle for this course, making the set-up of the hangouts quick and easy.

Please also add the hangout times/dates to your diary (you only need to attend one hangout in each of these weeks):

Thursday 29th January: 8pm or Friday 30 Jan: 10am
Tuesday 10th February: 8pm or Friday 13 Feb: 10am
Tuesday 17th March: 8pm or Friday 20 March: 10am

6. We’ll be using Twitter a lot in this course – particularly in the final block – so if you’re not tweeting already, please get yourself set up with a Twitter account and a sense of how it works. There are full instructions on this in the Course Guide and in the programme Technologies Handbook. Our Twitter hashtag is #mscedc.