lifestream blog submission

Your finalised lifestream blog  is due at midnight on Sunday 5 April 2015.

Submit your final lifestream summary here – this is the 500 word overall summary which will also be the last visible entry in your lifestream blog.

The assignment is worth 50% of your final mark and consists of:

  • your lifestream blog items over the period of the course
  • your weekly  summaries (see the course handbook for instructions about what these should consist of)
  • your 500 word summary, which should be the last visible entry in the lifestream blog.

To submit:

  1. Browse through your lifestream blog to make sure it is as you wanted, editing as needed.
  2. Check that your weekly summaries and your end-of-semester summary are all present.
  3. Copy your final 500 word summary to a word processing document for uploading to Moodle.
  4. Go to the course Moodle site and follow the instructions for the “lifestream blog” assignment.

See the course guide for more information about the assessment criteria, and contact your tutor if you have any queries about all this.

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