MSc in Digital Education at the University of Edinburgh
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course info
before semester starts…
who’s my tutor?
course guide
course assessment
lifestream blog submission
the final assignment
block 1: Cyberculture
block 1 readings
film festival: how does it work?
take me to the film festival!
visual artefacts
All the visual artefacts in one place
block 2: Community Cultures
block 2 readings
Choose your MOOC
building your ethnography
ethical issues
all the ethnographies in one place
block 3: Algorithmic cultures
Week 8: algorithmic cultures in education
Week 9: learning analytics and calculating academics
week 10: pulling it all together
weeks 11 and 12: assignment
Algorithmic play – all the accounts
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course guide
Download your copy of the Course Guide hereĀ