5 comments for “Being Human – From tadpole to frog – Visual Artifact – http://t.co/uMV8B3CVcb #mscedc”
Jeremy Knox
February 4, 2015 at 1:15 pm
I really like how you interrogate the ‘real life’ / ‘online life’ distinction in your artefact Ben, nice work. Also, great to see a Burroughs quote in there! So, are you advocating transhumanism as a goal for education? Should education work towards our enhancement through technology? What would that look like? Which core educational beliefs might be under threat from this kind of development?
Hi Jeremy, I’m an advocate of change within education through the benefits technology can bring, so if transhumanism is part of that evoloution then I suppose Im am also advocating that.
In regards to your other questions, Im going to go away and do some research around these subjects to give a fuller response.
Yes, great artefact and I really liked the Burroughs reference as well, and of course even Dylan went ‘electric’, and famously shouted out ‘traitor!’ I think that was at the Manchester Free Trade Hall (?)
I really like how you interrogate the ‘real life’ / ‘online life’ distinction in your artefact Ben, nice work. Also, great to see a Burroughs quote in there! So, are you advocating transhumanism as a goal for education? Should education work towards our enhancement through technology? What would that look like? Which core educational beliefs might be under threat from this kind of development?
Hi Jeremy, I’m an advocate of change within education through the benefits technology can bring, so if transhumanism is part of that evoloution then I suppose Im am also advocating that.
In regards to your other questions, Im going to go away and do some research around these subjects to give a fuller response.
Hi Ben, great presentation! Especially enjoyed your ‘what makes us human’ board.
Thanks Clare, glad you liked it.
Hi Ben,
Yes, great artefact and I really liked the Burroughs reference as well, and of course even Dylan went ‘electric’, and famously shouted out ‘traitor!’ I think that was at the Manchester Free Trade Hall (?)